Game in a week challenge | Survival horror | Day 1

In first day I've made a little research about chosen genre "Survival horror" and wrote small concept of a game. After that I started making a unity project. First of all I've made a FPS Controller. 

In this day I was streaming this challenge for a first time and already got 1 constant viewer, which helped me a lot with his access to Chat GPT. He asked Chat GPT to make an enemy AI and it made it! I used script what Chat GPT made in next day, so read the next post about Day 2 too! 

In this day I had a problem with shaking screen while moving and rotating a camera at the same time. This was solved by moving CharacterController.Move() from FixedUpdate() to Update() (ofcourse with Time.deltaTime enabled to velocity). And after everything were smooth. Keep eye on this project and read next day post, you will be excited!

Get Unnamed survival horror game

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